For as long as you can remember, no one you've loved has ever lasted very long.

The moment you come to love someone, no matter the type of love, tragedy befalls you both. In a desperate attempt to escape this cycle you've been moving from place to place, uprooting any time you start getting too close. This new city shouldn't be any different. It wouldn't be any different, if not for your new neighbours.

The more time you spend around these bizarre people, the more obvious it becomes that there's a layer of reality you've previously been unaware of. As you discover more of what was previously hidden from you, though, it begs the question:

Is there something more to your tragic circumstances than an unfortunate run of bad luck? Could it be the result of some power you don't understand? If so, does that mean there's a way out of it?

Does that mean there's someone to blame for your suffering? 

PLEASE NOTE: This game is in very early development. Only the first two chapters are posted, the writing will be continuously revised as I write, and there may be bugs or glitches. If you run into any issues, please let me know at

Cursed Ambrosia is an interactive fiction novel that deals with topics of death, loss, and love. It's a supernatural fantasy with a focus on interpersonal connections. There are six relationship routes, two women, two men, and two non-binary options. All romance options will have a platonic route as well. More info on them under the cut.

Vicente - An exceedingly polite and seemingly put together man who values kindness and compassion, but struggles to accept those things himself. He's keen to look after others and encourage them to accept help, yet insists on handling his own troubles alone.

Abby - An overwhelmingly enthusiastic and eccentric "person" who values curiosity and freedom, but struggles with moderation. He has more energy than he or anyone else knows what to do with. He's got a talent for mischief and is incapable of going very long without causing trouble, intentionally or not.

Kaida - A bitterly jaded and taciturn fellow who values knowledge and secrecy, but struggles to trust others. He's always many steps ahead of everyone else, and always knows more than he lets on. He's someone very useful to know... Or, he would be, if anyone could get a straight answer from him about anything.

Marina - An unapologetically loud and rambunctious woman who values rebellion and individuality, but struggles to let her guard down. She's brilliant, but easily bored. If you tell her she can't or shouldn't do something, it's just about guaranteed she'll be doing that thing in the near future.

Thea - A theatrically elegant and captivating woman who values loyalty and honesty above all else. On the job she's glamorous and confident, captivating any who hear her hypnotic voice. Off the job, though, she's something much different, and hopes to find someone who can appreciate both sides of her.

Shiloh - A cripplingly shy and skittish entity of uncertain origin who values privacy and comfort, but struggles to leave the safety of what it knows. Shiloh enjoys observing others interacting, and lives vicariously through witnessing the connections other people form with each other. It is quite sure that it will never manage to make such connections itself.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(69 total ratings)
AuthorThe Corvid Curio
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsRomance, supernatural

Development log


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Is this still be worked on??


Dear Authorr <3 hope you are doing well. We need more of this masterpiece.



(1 edit) (+1)

I felt very seen in alot of the options and Im ngl It made me tear up and then I was sobbing and broken by the lore this was beautiful. I already love the characters and am intrigued by the mc.


Very in love with this. So well-written, plot captured me straight away, and I am so endeared to all these characters already.




I'm enjoying the IF so far! It's such an interesting premise, but I noticed my MC's height keeps changing to very tall, no matter what I set it to. 


Oh dear, thank you for pointing that out. I'll try to figure out what's going on and get it fixed. Really appreciate the heads up, and thrilled you're enjoying the game so far ♥

(1 edit) (+6)

I have every intention to make my MC the most jittery, nervous, unintentionally adorable person in this town. I will become Baby TM and nothing is going to stop me. All that aside, this is incredibly immersive and I’m hooked.


You MC sounds so cute omg, and thank you for commenting, I'm so glad you're enjoying it :)

(3 edits) (+3)

I'm delighted I was recommended by a kind fellow to read this incredible work.

The plot of this IF is so ✨original✨ and captivating that I actually lack the words to express its singularity!! Please don't even let me start on the crazy and totally captivating ROs. 

Well, now I'm eagerly excited for the next update and truly thrilled to meet Kaida :) (or is it the "shadow").


I'm very thankful to the kind fellow for recommending it to you, but also thank you so much for reading and commenting! ♥ The next update doesn't have a set timeline yet but it's shaping up well so hopefully you won't be waiting long. c:




I rarely comment, but I find the premise very curious and entertaining, I love it. I can really relate to MC and her loneliness. And also the characters are so unique and chaotic/attractive in their own way. They're definitely not your typical love interest group.

I hope you can continue this project, it's lovely. Take care.✨

Pd: Abby has already earned my friendship and maybe something more, it's so chaotic and I love it. And that shadow in the hallway...spooky.


Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment :) I'm thrilled that you're enjoying it so far. I hope you enjoy the updates as they come ♥

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

It occured to me to give some actual feedback despite my excitement to just thank u lol i love the choices and how thought out they are and how what you choose actually has memories connected to them or initiates some sort of hesitation or thought process for the mc. I love the fact that being friendly over truly isolating yourself for the "greater good" to me seems so necessary but adds so much sadness to the story it truly hit me. Being cautious and measured over being friendly and what that could mean for the Mc. I honestly love your writing. I haven't read anything that carried this much emotional connections in a while. I love that there are mentions of coping mechanisms and mcs view on their life experiences. Plus I adore supernatural fantasies. This is everything I would want in a book. 

Maybe it's just because of personal experience but I am honestly so goddamn excited for this and I PRAAAAAAAAAAY to the writing God's that you take care of yourself physically and mentally and that this doesn't become a project that weighs u down but a piece of you you get to share with us. I've seen so many good writers get hit with life things and creatively just get burnt out. So take care and again. THANK U. idk If I'm being a weirdo lol but I really really enjoyed this so much. The characters make you want to engage and each seem like they are gonna make it difficult to choose an RO. Abby tho is a walking rainbow and tht just warms my heart lol 😆 💓 

Let me start by saying that your comments here and on Tumblr mean so much to me. I was so nervous posting this project at all, and to receive such a response is beyond encouraging. I'm so, so thrilled that my work is speaking to you and I hope it continues to do so. You aren't being a "weirdo" at all, please don't worry about that, I want to hear your honest thoughts and feelings on my writing so don't hesitate to let me know what you think of future updates (only if you want to, of course.) It's really interesting to see what aspects of the story stand out to readers, and helps remind me that it's a story worth writing.

Thank you so much for reading, and for taking the time to write and send such lovely comments not only here but on my blog as well. I really can't express enough how much joy reading these comments gave me, not to mention how much motivation. I'm trying to be careful about pacing myself while keeping up a decent pace, specifically to avoid getting burnt out on this project. I really want to see it through to completion and share that with you all. It's lovely to know there are people who want to read this as much as I want to write it. <3

you are so bloody awesome. I'm fan girling.. no seriously tho I love reading and I'm very critical lol but I've dealt with loss alot in my life and also just had a near death experience recently giving birth.. and had alooot of real unfair life shit happen.. so life and death is a trip... probably why I loved this so much in how relatable it honestly is to want to just give up or carry on. It's a worth while project and you are an amazing writer to be able to portray so much is a demo of all things. Please take care of yourself. And I appreciate all of your efforts. Truly. You made this tired mom's day. 💜

Awww just aww. Thank u!!! God i get so happy when i scroll this damn section and find these new gems that were recently updated. It makes me so happy. 😇 this seems like a great project I'm so excited 😊 ♥️

Hey this is awesome so far. But I got an error while going to work and I press on the button "run from nothing".


I'm glad you're enjoying it so far, thank you for commenting and bringing this error to my attention. I can't seem to replicate it on my end, when I'm playing through and click "run from nothing," it goes on as expected. I did find a coding error in the passage immediately before that one, which I've fixed, so I'm hoping maybe that was tied to the error you ran into and that error will also be fixed. If you are still receiving that error though, I'd appreciate any details you can provide that would help me replicate it on my end so I can find what's causing it and fix it :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the quick answer. I will replay it and see if it continiues in a bit! :)

Edit: Okay I replayed it again and now it works. I will continue the rest of the demo now and enjoy it. Gonna keep you posted if I notice any other errors. :)

Okay I cant continue at this part now:

[[Oops. Well, time to try to salvage this first impression.

I just entered the bar and cant interact with this one. :(


So sorry for the delayed reply! That's where the demo currently ends, I've added a little bookend to make that clearer and I'll keep adding that at the end from now on to avoid confusion :) Thank you again for your comments and feedback <3

Thanks for telling me. I really can't wait for the next update. I wish you the best author! 😁